Bus Fuel Savings


Integration of innovative green technologies on existing public transportation BUSes for 5% to 30% FUEL SAVINGS (INTEGRATED/0609/0031), “RESTART 2016 – 2020”

The Cyprus public bus-transportation consists of about 2600 buses consuming around 60,000,000 liters/year diesel fuel. Fuel consumption is a major cost for the transportation companies who are struggling to survive through government subsidies. In addition, the massive use of diesel fuel causes environmental pollution with all its negative effects on the standard of leaving of the society.

The aim of the present project is to alleviate the problem by reducing the buses’ fuel consumption by 5-30% and the exhaust gas-emissions (Particulates, Unburned Hydrocarbons (UH), CO2, CO, NOx) by >20%. The only possible way to achieve this aim is by increasing the existing buses’ engine efficiency by integrating onto the existing engines an innovative, green technology, such as the HHO gas generator. The HHO generators use electric energy form the vehicle’s battery to electrolyze water (H2O) and produce HHO gas, which is a stoichiometric active mixture of hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2). The HHO gas is introduced into the air-intake manifold and it is injected into the ICE. The active HHO gas instantly ignites and enhances flame propagation to completely burn all injected fuel, thus utilizing the whole fuel power, producing negligible Unburned Hydrocarbons. Therefore, less fuel is needed for the same power output thus, fuel savings are achieved.

The proposed “Integrated Project” is a long-range, interdisciplinary cooperation project, which aims to enhance the effectiveness of the Research Technological Development and Innovation in the area of TRANSPORTATION, so that produces concrete results, it becomes a factor for strengthening the competitiveness of the economy and have high impact on economic growth and the quality of life. It is expected that new businesses and jobs will be created to tackle unemployment, especially for the young people. The project will be implemented by integrating, domestic partnerships that leverage substantial links and synergies between the members of the quad helix.


  • RTD Talos Ltd (Coordinator)

  • Hystore Tech Limited

  • SignalGeneriX Ltd

  • Frederick Research Center (FRC)

  • Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry

  • Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority

  • InoMob Ltd
